Carbon Reporting

GWA continues to work towards reducing its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions across the business by improving the energy efficiency of our operations.

GWA reported its carbon emissions annually until FY14 under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Act 2007 (“the Act”).  The reports contain the greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption from the operation of the group’s facilities.  The data was compiled based on the methods specified in the Act.

GWA has deregistered from reporting the group’s carbon emissions under the Federal Government’s NGER scheme as our energy and emissions are below reporting thresholds from FY15.  GWA is a low emissions intensity entity as our business activities are less carbon intensive than other sectors. We continue to voluntarily report our carbon emissions on the GWA website under Carbon Reporting.

The FY22 total carbon emissions from GWA’s controlled facilities were approximately 1,529 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent CO2e, representing an 18.2% per cent reduction on the prior year (FY21: 1,869 tonnes CO2e).  This reduction reflects the Group’s continued focus on operating in a sustainable manner across our business, by managing our resources as efficiently as possible and by acting in a socially responsible manner.