Principle 5

Make timely and balanced disclosure

The Group is committed to ensuring the timely disclosure of material price sensitive information through compliance with the continuous disclosure obligations in the ASX Listing Rules and the Corporations Act 2001.  The Group includes continuous disclosure as a permanent item on the agenda for Board meetings.  The Board has approved a Continuous Disclosure Policy to ensure the Group complies with the continuous disclosure requirements and to ensure accountability at the executive and senior management level for that compliance.  Refer to the Group’s website at under Corporate Governance Policies for a copy of the Continuous Disclosure Policy.

The Chief Executive Officer is the Group’s Continuous Disclosure Compliance Officer and is responsible for ensuring compliance with the continuous disclosure requirements and overseeing and authorising disclosure of information to the ASX.  To ensure equality of information among investors, new and substantive investor or analyst presentations are released to the ASX ahead of the presentation.  All ASX and/or media releases which contain material price sensitive information must be approved by the Board prior to release to the ASX. The Board also receives copies of all material market announcements promptly after they have been made.

The Company Secretary coordinates the communications with the ASX including ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and overseeing information released to the ASX, shareholders and other interested parties.  In the Company Secretary’s absence, the Chief Financial Officer fulfills this role.  Announcements made to the ASX are published on the Group’s website immediately after release.