Principle 6

Respect the rights of security holders

The Group is committed to ensuring shareholders and the financial markets are provided with full, open and timely information about its activities.  This is achieved by the following:

  • Ensuring that shareholder communications (including the Annual Report and Notice of Annual General Meeting) satisfy relevant regulatory requirements and guidelines.  The Group is committed to producing shareholder communications in plain English with full and open disclosure of the Group’s purpose and Statement of Values, policies and procedures, operations, strategy and performance;
  • Ensuring that shareholders have the opportunity to receive external announcements by the Group through the corporate website at  All Group announcements and information released to the market (including half and full year results) are located on the website and may be accessed by shareholders.  There is a Corporate Governance section on the website which outlines the Group’s governance practices and policies and the corporate website includes other information such as the Group’s sustainability and carbon reporting, gender equality and diversity reporting, information on workplace health and safety performance, modern slavery and tax transparency reporting;
  • As an initiative to assist with the provision of timely information to shareholders and other stakeholders about the strategy and financial performance of the Group, the half and full year results presentations and substantive Investor Market Briefings are webcast via the Group’s website at  Shareholders are also able to access historical webcasts on the Group’s website.  The material presented at the Annual General Meeting is made available to stakeholders on the Group’s website immediately before the meeting;
  • The Group produces an annual ESG Report which is available on the Group’s website at  The report provides shareholders and other stakeholders with details on the Group’s approach to managing its ESG impacts, covering innovative water saving products and solutions, environmental impact and initiatives, ethical sourcing, people and the community, workplace health and safety, and governance and risk management.  The Group is committed to being a sustainable business and maintains a strong ESG agenda which is reflected within the report;
  • The Group prepares an annual Modern Slavery Statement in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), which is available on the Group’s website at  The statement outlines the modern slavery risks in the Group’s operations and supply chain and the actions being taken to address these risks.  The Group aims to continuously improve its modern slavery risk identification and mitigations, and will annually report on progress through its Modern Slavery Statement;
  • The Board is committed to the use of electronic communications with shareholders to reduce the environmental impact and costs.  Shareholders can elect to receive Group communications electronically.  Annual Reports are no longer printed and mailed to shareholders, unless specifically requested.  Annual Reports are made available to shareholders on the Group’s website at in an accessible and user-friendly format.  Shareholders are sent the Notice of Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form, which includes details on accessing the online Annual Report and ESG Report, together with instructions for casting proxy votes electronically;
  • The Group encourages shareholders to attend and participate at the Annual General Meeting to canvass the relevant issues of interest with the Board.  An opportunity is given at the Annual General Meeting for shareholders to ask questions on the Group’s financial reports and business strategy, operations and performance.  If shareholders are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting personally, they are encouraged to participate through proxy voting.  The Group has implemented online proxy voting to make it easier for shareholders to lodge their proxy votes if they are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting.  The Group endeavours to set the timing and the location of the Annual General Meeting so that it is convenient for shareholders generally.  The voting on proposed resolutions at the Annual General Meeting is conducted by way of a poll to ensure that all shareholders are provided with the opportunity to vote on resolutions; and
  • The Group has developed an investor relations program to facilitate effective communications with investors.  The Group actively engages with institutional and private investors, broking analysts and the financial media on the Group’s operations, performance, governance and prospects, and to provide an opportunity for investors to express their views or concerns about the Group.  At all times the Group ensures compliance with the continuous disclosure obligations in the ASX Listing Rules and the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).